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Classroom Rules

Classroom Expectations

Principles of Business and Finance, MSIA Word/PowerPoint & Personal Finance
In order for the class to move smoothly, you will need to follow the rules below:

1. Be prepared to go to work.

a. All conversations should be completed before coming to class.

b. You will need a pen and a #2 pencil everyday.

2. Follow Directions.

a. Read all instructions before beginning work.

b. When material is being explained, listen and take notes. Do not interrupt with questions. Time will be given after the material is presented for you to ask questions.

3. Respect Others.

a. No unkind words will be directed to the teacher or to other students in the classroom.

b. If you disagree with the teacher on something, please talk to me privately. It is much easier for both of us to reach an agreement if the rest of the class is not watching to see the outcome. Also, I will be in a more cooperative spirit if I do not have to put up with blatant classroom disruptions.

c. Do not interrupt other people. If you have a question or comment, raise your hand and be recognized.

4. Respect School Property.

a. Do not “play” with the equipment.

b. Do not write on your desk, book, or mouse pad.

5. Food and Drinks are not allowed in the classroom.

If a student chooses not to obey these rules the following disciplinary measures will be taken:

1st Offense - Warning

2nd Offense - Conference with student

3rd Offense - Parental Contact

4th Offense - Office Referral

Any student whose behavior severely disrupts my ability to teach or another student's ability to learn will be sent to the office immediately.


School policy states that a student has three days after he/she returns from an excused absence to make up any work missed. At the end of the three days, points will be deducted from those students who have not made up tests and assignments missed during their absence. All make up tests will be given after school at a time convenient to the teacher.

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Student Parent/Guardian